Sunday 19 May 2013


2 Dollar Front

 2 Dollar Back

Denomination : 2 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Blue
Front : Trident as registration device; coat of arms; map of Barbados; John Redman Bovell
Rear :  Morgan Lewis Windmill in St. Andrew; trident
Value in US$ : 1.00

 5 Dollar Front

 5 Dollar Back

Denomination : 5 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Green
Front : Trident as registration device; coat of arms; map of Barbados; Frank Worrell
Rear :  Oval cricket facility at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus; trident
Value in US$ : 2.50

 10 Dollar Front

10 Dollar Back

Denomination : 10 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Brown
Front :  Trident as registration device; coat of arms; map of Barbados; Charles Duncan O’Neal
Rear :  Charles Duncan O’Neal Bridge over the Careenage in Bridgetown; trident
Value in US$ : 5.00

20 Dollar Front 

20 Dollar Back

Denomination : 20 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Purple
Front : Front: Trident as registration device; coat of arms; trident; flying fish; Samuel Jackman Prescod
Rear : Parliament Buildings in Bridgetown; trident
Value in US$ : 10.00

 50 Dollar Front

50 Dollar Back

Denomination : 50 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Orange
Front : Trident as registration device; coat of arms; Errol Barrow; hologram patch with pelican, Pride of Barbados flowers, broken tridents
Rear :  Independence Square with statue of Errol Barrow in Bridgetown; trident
Value in US$ : 25.00

 100 Dollar Front

100 Dollar Back

Denomination : 100 Dollars
Size : 150 x 65 mm
Issue date : May 2,2013
Colour : Brown,Purple,grey
Front : Trident as registration device; coat of arms; trident; flying fish; Grantley Adams
Rear : Grantley Adams International Airport,trident
Value in US$ : 50.00


Currency : Barbadian Dollar (BBD)
User : Barbados
Inflation rate : 4.2%
US$ 1 = 2 BBD 

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