Saturday 13 July 2013


 File:5 Türk Lirası front.jpg

 File:5 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

File:5-II Türk Lirası front.jpg

 File:5-II Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 5 Lira
Size : 130 x 64 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009 (brown),April 8,2013 (purple)
Colour : Brown (2009),Purple (current)
Front :  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Rear :  Aydın Sayılı, diagrams of solar system, atom, ancient cave and a left-handed Z-DNA helix.
Value in US$ : 2.75

 File:10 Türk Lirası front.jpg

File:10 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 10 Lira
Size : 136 x 64 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009
Colour : Red
Front :  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Rear : Cahit Arf, Arf invariant, arithmetic series, abacus, binary
Value in US$ : 5.50

File:20 Türk Lirası front.jpg

File:20 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 20 Lira
Size : 142 x 68 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009
Colour : Green
Front : Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Rear : Architect Kemaleddin, Gazi University main building, aqueduct, circular motif and cube-globe-cylinder symbolizing architecture
Value in US$ : 11.00

 File:50 Türk Lirası front.jpg

File:50 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 50 Lira
Size : 148 x 68 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009
Colour : Orange
Front : Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Rear :  Fatma Aliye Topuz, flower and literary figures
Value in US$ : 27.50

 File:100 Türk Lirası front.jpg

File:100 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 100 Lira
Size : 154 x 72 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009
Colour : Blue
Front : Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Rear :  Buhurizade Itri, notes, instruments and Mevlevi figure
Value in US$ : 55.00

 File:200 Türk Lirası front.jpg

File:200 Türk Lirası reverse.jpg

Denomination : 200 Lira
Size : 160 x 72 mm
Issue date : January 1,2009
Colour : Violet
Front : Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Rear :  Yunus Emre, Yunus's mausoleum, rose, pigeon and the line "Sevelim, sevilelim" (Let us love, let us be loved)
Value in US$ : 110.00


Currency : Turkish Lira (TRL)
User : Turkey,Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and  Hatay State 
Inflation rate : 7.31%
US$ 1 = 1.90 TRL

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